I saw this pretty entertaining video this morning on Facebook about negative church reviews on Google and it got me thinking...before I share my thoughts, take a look.
*just realized that this blog cannot do vertical videos, do see it properly you can go to this link: https://www.facebook.com/johnbcrist/videos/1297302107071532/
So what's so special about GC?
Maybe that's not the right answer to ask, we're not really trying to be special, we're just trying to "Live the Gospel. Love the city." but maybe that is special, it is definitely not easy.
It's not about the building, the coffee, the lighting, the music.
It's not about GC becoming big.
It's not about GC becoming famous.
It's about Jesus becoming big and famous.
It is about helping people to know the love of Jesus, and the hope, joy, and freedom that comes with that.
It is about expressing that love to the people around us - anyone and everyone.
When enough people are impacted with this love, with the Gospel, it will impact the greater community, and eventually it will spread to impact the city.
We want to be an inside-outside church.
A church that brings what we teach in the inside, to the outside.
We want to be known as a church whose love and generosity is "crazy" - not normal, not expected, not human but divine.
Do you know anyone who wants or needs this love and hope?
Do you know anyone who is looking for more than this life has to offer?
Do you know anyone who doesn't know why they are living, what their purpose is?
We believe that these people will find their answer in the Gospel of Jesus, and we are a church who will teach and show them that. Please invite them. Of if that's you, please come.